Lakes Area Homeowners Association
Minutes of August 25, 2010 meeting
Casey's Pub Bar & Grill
Officers in attendance: Jeff Laz, Vice President, Judy Rae, Treasurer and Beth Adams, Secretary
1. Beth Adams, acting as Interim President called the meeting to order at 7:15.
2. Treasury report given by Judy Rae. Nancy Galloway had previously resigned her position as Co-Treasurer, therefore, Judy Rae went from Co-Treasurer to Treasurer. Current balance before meeting was $2,872.96 with 89 members and one new member was added tonight.
3. Minutes of January 14, 2010 meeting were read. Nomination to approve by Nancy Galloway and seconded by David Hultgren. Membership approved.
4. New President: Jerry Anderson was nominated by Mark Adams and seconded by George Rourke to be President of LAHA. Membership approved.
5. There was discussion about LAHA being more socially active. The recent survey was discussed and agreed by membership that an "Activity Committee" should be formed. Adam Bell volunteered to be the Chairperson and four members agreed to work on the committee.
6. The current outdated "LAHA By-Laws" were discussed because they need to be updated. David Hultgren volunteered to work with Judy Rae on this. They will report to membership at the next meeting.
7. There was discussion about the amount of people using the Endwell St. road stub to launch boats onto Walled Lake. An "Endwell Access Ordinance Study Committee" was formed with Mark Adams & Jerry Anderson. They will research ways for controlling this traffic and report back to membership.
8. Membership drive: It was discussed that before we do the actual mailing to potential eligible members, we would make our membership invitations appealing so we will peak their interest and make it more enticing to be part of LAHA. Any additional ideas by members will be submitted to Judy Rae or Beth Adams via e-mail. Micki Larimer made the motion to approve the cost of the 2011 membership mailing to be done in early Dec 2010, and was seconded by Pete Christy. Membership approved.
9. Dave Galloway gave a brief update on the Lake Board's last meeting. He also stated that about a week prior to the meeting the consulting engineer, his assistant, 2 lake scientists & the Novi engineer were given a tour of the lake by him. They were looking at the lake for possible demonstration areas for the weevils and at the present condition of the lake. On September 30th at 7:00 the Lake Board will discuss the process of how to proceed.
10. Meeting adjourned at 8:20
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